
Showing: all days
Tue 11 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30

Wed 12 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30
    18.30 - 20.30

Thu 13 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30
    18.00 - 20.00

Fri 14 June
    09.00 - 17.00

All days
Tuesday 11 June 2024 09.00 - 10.30
A138 - WG FEM Feminist Labour Working Group Meeting

A144 - WG Lab&Mig Labour Migration History Working group meeting

A156 - WG Fam&Ec Working group meeting Family & Economy

B115 - WG MAR Working group meeting Maritime Labour

B125 - WG Past&Pr Workplaces: Past and Present Working group meeting

Tuesday 11 June 2024 11.00 - 12.30
Hörsall 3 - KEY1 “Resistance and Resilience: Sámi indenture in central Sweden at the Advent of Modernity.”,
  Chair: S. Neunsinger
  Discussant: L. Papastefanaki
Opening of the conference:
• Leda Papastefanaki, chair of ELHN netcom
• Jan Ottosson, dept of Economic History, Uppsala University
• Joakim Palme, dean of the faculty of social sciences, of Uppsala university
• Joakim Johansson, head of institution, Swedish Labour movements Archives and Library

Key Note: Jonas M. Nordin, Resistance and Resilience: Sámi indenture in central Sweden at the Advent of Modernity.

Tuesday 11 June 2024 14.00 - 15.30
A114 - INDE1 Theories and Historical Concepts
Network: Economic and Industrial Democracy Chair: S. Friedel
M. Ebbertz : Participation at Work: A History of Economic and Industrial Democracy
S. Svenberg : “A theory of accumulated decision-making power informed by historical organization for economic democracy in the UK”
P. Urban : The Conceptual History of a Program of Economic Democracy

A138 - COE1 Historical semantics of coercion
Network: Labour and Coercion  
  Discussant: C. Uppenberg
M. G. Blasi : Replacing Chinese Migrants: Spanish Racialized Discourses on Immigration to Cuba and the Philippines (1847-1898)
T. Guiffard : Disciplinary order in war factories : Forms, practices and grammar of discipline in Lyon and Turin between 1914 and 1918
N. Kindersley : ‘As awkward as possible’: resistance to forced work in South Sudan, 1898–date
J. Spicksley : Abusive authority and the language of slavery: revisiting the sclavus in medieval Europe
T. Vidal : Sub-text and subordination: unpacking practices and semantics of agricultural labour in late-medieval Northern Italy

A144 - MIG1 A more-than-national perspective of guest worker programs
Network: Labour Migration History Chair: A. Batzeli
Organizers: A. Batzeli, C. Bernardi  
N. T. Andersen : The role of the ILO in promoting migration as an employment strategy in the 1960s-1970s
C. Bernardi : The transcontinental legacy of guest worker programs between Europe and North America
D. I. Córdoba Ramírez : Clause 23 of the employment contract: approaches to the labor association during the Bracero Program
M. Snodgrass : Bracero Histories: Guestworker Programs in Public Memory

A156 - EMP1 French Empire and Its Aftermath
Network: Labour and Empire Chair: J. Cousin
Organizers: Y. Béliard, L. Costaguta, J. Cousin  
C. Bernard : Rent Strike Anti-Imperialism: The Sonacotra Immigrant-Worker Hostel Movement in Post-Colonial France, 1975-1979.
V. Bollenot : Imperialized as a category of domination (France, 1919-1940)
G. Genoud : Labour and anti-imperialism in the French periphery: the case of the Corsican nationalist syndicat des travailleurs corses (1983-1991)

B125 - FEM1 Expert discourses and struggles around the regulation of women’s labour
Network: Feminist Labour History Chair: E. Varsa
  Discussant: E. Varsa
A. Gagyiova : “To the last drop”: Complicating the relationship of work and motherhood at the example of breastmilk donation in 1950s Hungary
N. Jarska : Women’s work and women’s health. Medical expertise and protective legislation in post-war Poland
E. Luif : Work or Hobby? Home-Based Work in the System of (Gendered) Labour Regulation in Interwar Austria

B159 - FAM1 Labour, gender and social mobility during the industrialization. I: Institutional and organisational changes and social mobility
Network: Labour and Family Economy  
Organizers: L. F. Alos, C. Lorandini Discussant: M. Martini
M. C. Jou : Labour family mobility of rural artisans in Catalonia: case study of construction artisans (1750-1805)
L. F. Alos : Technical change, changes in labor markets and social mobility in wine-growing and proto-industrial Catalonia (18th-19th centuries)
C. Lorandini : Black swans? Female overseers in the silk industry: evidence from Tyrol in the 19th century
M. Renom : The liberalization of food markets and the social mobility in the horticultural and poultry sectors (Barcelona, 18th-19th centuries)

F416 - MIL1 Visual sources, material artefacts and military labour
Network: Military Labour History Chair: J. Kim
B. Blum : Propaganda and Emotions: Official and private visual sources on British military families and military labour in war and peace, 1955-2019
C. de Matos : Visualising Domestic and Military Masculinities in the Work of Military Occupation
L. McDonnell : Seeing Early Modern Battle Anew: Warwork in the paintings of Pieter Snayers
O. Siitonen : Euphemisms and Passive Tense as a Means for De-visualising Narratives of Wartime Violence
A. Touloumtzidis : The Image of the Balkan Civilian Labourer at the Service of Armée d’Orient in the Macedonian Front: Photographs and propaganda in the British press during the First World War

H317 - CEE1 Unstable stability? Working class-life and the world of work in East-Central Europe after 1989-1991
Network: Central-East Europe Chairs: A. E. Bartha, T. Valuch
H. Danilovich : Trade unions and workers’ voice in post-Soviet Belarus (1991 to present)
L. Kalb : Housing Distribution, Deservingness & Transforming Class Relations in 1990s Riga

Tuesday 11 June 2024 16.00 - 17.30
A114 - WG PREC Precarious labour Working group meeting

A138 - WG MIN Labour in Mining Working group meeting

A144 - WG MIL Military Labour History Working group meeting

A156 - WG Arc&Ind Arctic and Indigenous Working group meeting

B125 - WG Ec&Ind Economic and Industrial Democracy Working group meeting

B159 - WG Lab&Emp Labour and Empire Working Group meeting

F416 - WG Lab&Coe Labour and Coercion Working Group meeting

H317 - WG Mem&Dei Memory and Deindustrialization Working Group meeting

Wednesday 12 June 2024 09.00 - 10.30
A114 - INDE2 Democracy on the Shopfloor
Network: Economic and Industrial Democracy Chair: S. Friedel
R. Bachmann : The Intricacies of an Experiment in Workplace Democracy: Six Americans in a Swedish Plant, 1974
N. Binder : Democratic Atmospheres and Human Interrelations: On the Social Psychology of Groups in the Factory (1930s–1950s)
L. Rosenberg : Negotiation of Issues between Masters and Men. Staff Councils on South Asian Railways in the First Half of the 20th Century
B. Settis, A. Brizzi : An Alternative Power? The Struggles for Democratization of Social Policy and Surveillance at Fiat in the Afterwar Period

A138 - COE2 Sites of coercion
Network: Labour and Coercion Chair: N. Jarska
T. Petrik : Wages, Whips, and Prayers: Intersecting Fields of Coercion in the Vienna Prison Workhouse, 1760–1783
G. Rydén : Early Modern Wage Labour & Households as Coercive Sites: Householding in Early Modern Swedish Ironmaking
H. Taylor : Exiting Apprenticeships in 17th- and 18th-century England

A144 - MIG2 Guest-workers’ organisation, resistance and protests
Network: Labour Migration History Chair: A. Batzeli
Organizers: A. Batzeli, C. Bernardi  
I. Garcia-Colon : Guestworkers Versus Racialized Minorities: Reactions, Resistance and Impact of Guestworker Programs on U.S. Migrant Workers
A. Knotter : Migrant strikes in the Netherlands 1961-1974
N. Stanimirovic : International tribunes. Political organising of the Yugoslav guest-workers in France 1970-1973

A156 - EMP2 The Global Left and Anti-imperialism
Network: Labour and Empire Chair: H. Droessler
Organizers: Y. Béliard, L. Costaguta, J. Cousin  
L. Costaguta : Class, Race and Empire in U.S. Socialism”
D. Dyakonova : Caught between a Rock and a Hard Place: Chinese Women Workers, Revolutionary Internationalism, and Anti-imperialist Nationalism, 1923-1927
A. Rodd : Britain's Labour Party and the anti-colonial labour movement in Fiji (1945-1970)

B115 - MIN4 Mining–Agriculture Relationships: Influences on labour organisation and labour markets: Panel I: Relations between mining and agriculture
Network: Labour in Mining Chair: A. Cohen
Organizer: J. J. Garcia Gomez  
F. Sanna : In between fields : labour pluriactivity in mining and agriculture in Italy (XIX-XX)
E. Trescastro-López, M. T. a. A. Martinez : Food in the mining areas of southeastern Spain. Analysis of a manuscript of recipes from the 19th century
A. Turbanti : Relations between Mining and Agriculture in Italy

B125 - FEM2 Women’s gendered forms of action and mobilization
Network: Feminist Labour History  
  Discussants: L. Papastefanaki, S. Zimmermann
L. Azara : Women doing men's work. Italian policewomen in the 1960s and 1970s between discrimination, inequality and struggles for emancipation
S. Badgi : Beyond Trade Unions: Labour Activism Among Women Workers of the Újpest Jute Factory in the 1900s
E. Betti, L. Cerasi : Women Workers and the Cooperative Movement in Golden Age Italy between Production, Reproduction and Consumption: Forms of Mobilization and Representation
K. Linderoth : Wildcat strikes among public sector care workers in Sweden 1980-1990

B159 - FAM2 Labour, gender and social mobility during the industrialization. II: Education and social mobility
Network: Labour and Family Economy  
Organizers: L. F. Alos, C. Lorandini Discussant: M. Martini
M. Kaiser, L. Henderson : The political economy of skills, occupational entitlements, and social immobility: evidence from industrialising Coventry, 1790-1830
G. Kitsoleris : Intra-generational social mobility in terms of occupation in Greece. The effect of crisis and overeducation on career mobility in a segmented labour market
A. Mayer : Aspirations to social mobility among the working and lower middle classes in German-speaking Central Europe, 1840-1914

F416 - MIL2 Military labour in the early modern era
Network: Military Labour History Chair: A. Touloumtzidis
F. Ansani : What is Military Labour? Evidence from the Italian Renaissance
J. Björklund : Mutiny and Discontent in the Swedish army 1605 – 1617
E. Larsson : Naval Officers as Merchant Skippers and Merchant Skippers as Naval Officers: The officers of the Swedish archipelago fleet 1756-1824
P. Nath : Military Labour and the Nature of the Mughal Empire
M. Neuding Skoog : Swedish Recruitment Agents on the German Military Market in 1543

H317 - CEE2 Unstable stability? Working class-life and the world of work in East-Central Europe after 1989-1991 II
Network: Central-East Europe Chairs: A. E. Bartha, T. Valuch
P. Alaban : Deindustrial Images of Life in Northern Hungary after the Transition
A. E. Bartha : A Loss of Collective Consciousness? Working-class Images of Socialism and Capitalism in Two Generations in Post-1989 Hungary
M. Chmielewska : Making Sense of the 1990s: Global Economy in the Memories the Polish Corsetry Industry Workers
T. Valuch : Workers' Life Strategies in the Post-Communist Transition in Hungary Eszterházy Károly University of Eger

Wednesday 12 June 2024 11.00 - 12.30
A114 - JOU round Journals for Labour History, Roundtable
Network: round table Chair: S. Neunsinger
Organizer: S. Neunsinger Discussants: N. T. Andersen, F. Azevedo Souza, A. Blok, K. Karpozilos, D. Kirkby, K. Niergarth

A138 - COE3 ROUND Roundtable: Connecting the dots: Sites and fields of labour coercion
Network: Labour and Coercion Chair: T. Petrik
  Discussants: J. Heinsen, N. Pizzolato, G. Rydén

A144 - MIG3 Between past and future: memory and workers’ perspective
Network: Labour Migration History Chair: C. Bernardi
Organizers: A. Batzeli, C. Bernardi  
A. Batzeli : Erinnerung / ????? / Memory: The Gastarbeiter Agreement between Greece and Germany revisited
A. Ibricevic : Returns of retirement: The Gastarbeiter reflect on working abroad to retire at home
N. Korkmaz : German-Turkish Guest-worker Agreement and the Reasons for Increasing Mobility from Turkey to Germany
M. Maeva : : Bulgarian Medical Staff as Guest Workers during Socialist Period

A156 - EMP3 The Caribbean: Bedrock of Anti-imperialism?
Network: Labour and Empire Chair: L. Costaguta
Organizers: Y. Béliard, L. Costaguta, J. Cousin  
Z. Edwards : The “Ethiopian Tent:” Pan-Africanism, Anti-imperialism, and Multiracialism in the Interwar Labor Movement of Trinidad and Tobago
J. Nevill : Writing Their Wrongs: I.T.A. Wallace-Johnson and the Global Intellectual History of Colonial Radical Utopianism
T. V. Gaalen : Breaking Borders. Solidarity as Radical Strategy in the Interwar Caribbean

B115 - MIN5 Environmental and social effects derived from the Mining and Agriculture relations
Network: Labour in Mining Chair: J. J. Garcia Gomez
Organizers: A. Cohen, J. J. Garcia Gomez, M. P. Perceval Verde  
A. Cohen : Gran minería, pequeño campesinado: transición al capitalismo en un área de la Andalucía “profunda” (fines siglo XIX-siglo XX)
S. Dimitriadis : Land Ownership, Mining and Labour Market Fragmentation in Northern Euboea, 1850-1920
A. Fleta, G. B. A. Cohen : Minería y conflictos por el agua. Miradas cruzadas desde España y Canadá
J. D. Perez-Cebada, P. G. Silva : Mining, Agriculture and Pollution
P. G. Silva, O. Sacramento : Between mining and farming: social and ecological transforma3ons of wolfram extrac3on in a Portuguese agrarian context (1930s-1970s)

B125 - FEM3 Struggles around women’s un/paid work and social reproduction
Network: Feminist Labour History  
  Discussant: L. Papastefanaki
G. Beck, C. Boss : Struggle over paid and unpaid domestic work within the Women’s liberation movement (WLM) in Geneva, Switzerland. Internal debates and strategies between subgroups (1971-1980)
E. Boris : Work Visas for Live-In Maids: Race, Gender, Citizenship, and the Crisis of Social Reproduction, the United States, 1965-1970
C. Boss, G. Beck : Struggle over paid and unpaid domestic work within the Women’s liberation movement (WLM) in Geneva, Switzerland. Internal debates and strategies between subgroups (1971-1980)
S. Karatepe : Breadwinner Family Model, Social Reproduction and the Semi-Proleterinization in the Late Ottoman Empire
O. Opassi : Gender Roles in the Yugoslav Fish Canning Industry: The Case of Delamaris

B159 - FAM3 Labour and Old Age / Labouring Elderly
Network: Labour and Family Economy Chair: M. Papathanassiou
Organizers: M. Papathanassiou, B. Zucca Discussants: C. Borderias, C. Mutos Xicola
J. McFarland : Elderly workers, the household, and the parish in seventeenth-century Venice
M. Papathanassiou : Poverty, labour and family economy in old age: Street-workers in mid-19th century London / Rural servants in the early 20th century Austrian Alps
L. Pelzl : Social Mobility between Middle and Old Age in 17th and 18th-century Germany
C. Uppenberg : Challenging the domestic: Care work, generation change and the gendered social reproduction of a semi-landless class in 19th century Sweden.
B. Zucca : Elderly people at work in preindustrial urban Piedmont: an overview from families and charity institutions

F416 - MIL3 Nations, states and empires: Military labour, gender, race and identity I
Network: Military Labour History Chair: O. Siitonen
H. Droessler : Solomon Islanders “Going G.I. in the Matter of Clothes”: Taking Another Look at the Visual Archive of the Battle of Guadalcanal
P. Johansson, F. S. a. S. Strand : Military Conscription, Settler-Colonialism and Discrimination of the Sami People in 1900s Sweden
J. Lande : ‘To Go See My Relations’: Deserting Black soldiers and the negotiation of military labour, emancipation, and masculinity during the US Civil War
P. Pevetmi Amza : Participation in Military Service in the Premodern African armies: Case study of the royal Bamoun army between 1517 and 1813
S. Strand, P. J. e. F. Sundevall : Military Conscription, Settler-Colonialism and Discrimination of the Sami People in 1900s Sweden
F. Sundevall, P. J. e. S. Strand : Military Conscription, Settler-Colonialism and Discrimination of the Sami People in 1900s Sweden
P. Wawrzeniuk : The Final Destination: The Royal Institution for Disabled Veterans in Ulriksdal, 1821–1849

Wednesday 12 June 2024 14.00 - 15.30
A114 - INDE3 Industrial Democracy in National Economies
Network: Economic and Industrial Democracy Chair: P. Reick
A. Andry, V. Unkovski-Korica : Yugoslav self-management and the British workers’ control movement, 1960s-1980s
J. Burek : Who are the masters of the factory? The Polish Communists’ Debate over the Idea and Practice of Self-Management, 1945–1947
M. Sharma : Democratizing Labour Relations: Experiments in Post-Independence India
R. Šustrová : Rights and Democratic Vibes: Workplace Justice in Czechoslovakia and Austria, 1930s–1980s

A138 - COE4 Book Launch
Network: Labour and Coercion Chair: G. Rydén
  Discussants: C. Bernardi, J. Heinsen, G. Marcon

A144 - MIG4 Politicised labour migration: Between policies and practices
Network: Labour Migration History Chair: S. Bernard
M. Damilakou : Planning a selective labour migration to South American countries: national state policies and international migration management in the 1950s and 1960s
F. Hoxha : A quiet mediator: Kosovar Diaspora as a catalyst of labour migration to Germany amid recent German labour migration policies.
N. Latif : Precarious Circulation: Palestinian refugee labour from Lebanon to the Gulf and back during the 1960s-1970s
L. Venturas : Greek workers in the Federal Republic of Germany during the Cold War: Economic priorities and political vigilance

A156 - EMP4 Anti-imperialist Solidarity: Multiple Realities
Network: Labour and Empire Chair: L. Costaguta
Organizers: Y. Béliard, L. Costaguta, J. Cousin  
H. Droessler : Coconut Capitalism: Copra Cooperatives in Colonial Samoa
D. Hyde : The ‘Labour Question’, Trade Unionism and the Problem of Labour Bureaucracy during Kenya’ Decolonisation
I. Tomren : Mobilising Solidarity in 1920s Egypt: A Mass Musical Manifesto
S. V. Jan : South Asian Working-class Anti-imperialism in Hamburg

B115 - MIL-MAR Military and Maritime Recruitment
Network: Military Labour History Chairs: J. Ibarz, A. Touloumtzidis
J. Aguilera-López : From Pen to Sword: The Superintendent Position and the Incorporation of Military Expertise into the Barcelona Shipbuilding Industry (1560–1620)
M. Antypas : Tracing the relationship between conscription during the Greek Revolution and the formation of maritime labour market on the island of Hydra, 1821-1860
T. Peláez : "The recruitment of rowers in the Galleys of Spain during the 16th century"
D. Salvatore : “Building an Empire: mobilisation and conscription in the Italian fascist empire (1935-1940)”

B125 - FEM4 International platforms of women’s labour activism: Tensions and collaborations
Network: Feminist Labour History  
  Discussant: E. Betti
S. Cagatay : Gendering labour internationalism: Turkish trade unionists and women in AID educational programs in the 1960s
J. Tesija : Social democrats and communists in the International Co-operative Women’s Guild, 1921-1939: Tensions and collaborations
J. Wolf : The founding of the Women’s Committee of the European Trade Union Confederation

B159 - PRE1 Conceptual debates on precarity
Network: Precarious Labour Chair: S. Marti
  Discussant: S. Marti
C. Garland : ‘In inverse ratio to the duration of its expenditure’ – compressing the wage relation into as few hours as possible: ‘independent contactors’, employees and zero-hours contracts
T. Holmlund : The Role of Trade Unions in Precarisation: Negotiations on Employment Security 1990-2020 in Sweden
L. Mathlouthi : “Our Poor Little White Slaves”: Victorian child labour between precariousness and marginalisation from the 1830’s to the 1880’s
P. Ray : Care Work and Precarity of Life: The Kinship of Gender, Caste and Stigma

F416 - MIL4 Recruitment and refusal in military labour: Gender, race and identity II
Network: Military Labour History Chair: C. de Matos
O. Aura : Planning of Recruiting Women as Military Labour in Finland during the Cold War
K. Bootsma : Voluntary Women and Involuntary Men: Gender, military labour and discussions on voluntary conscription for women in contemporary Dutch history
J. Kim : ‘Holidays on Duty’: Pan Am female flight Attendants’ service labour for R&R Soldiers during the Vietnam War
L. Robinson : The Masculinity of Refusal: World War I US conscientious objectors and the spectre of maligned manhood
M. Tsirtsikou : Civil workers and gendering military labour through the case study of the Military Clothing-Footwear Factory (MF 700) at Piraeus (1909-1951)

H317 - DEI-CEE1 Ethnic Identities and Industrial Memory 1
Network: Memory and Deindustrialisation Chair: M. Harlov-Csortán
Organizers: S. Moitra, T. Valuch Discussant: S. Berger
M. Baumert : „I'm a miner, who's more?“ Lignite Mining and Identity in East Germany
O. Klípa : The defeat of memory. Anger and politics in a Polish lignite-fired power plant

Wednesday 12 June 2024 16.00 - 17.30
A114 - INDE4 Lessons from the Past and Challenges of the Future
Network: Economic and Industrial Democracy Chair: P. Reick
S. Friedel : Industrial Democracy in Western Europe: Fantasy, Fiction, or Fact?
T. Jessen Adams : Social Compulsion, Workplace Democracy, and Political Economy in the U.S.: Notes for Critical-Historical Synthesis
M. Kabat : Argentine taken factories movement: A retrospective balance in the Latin American context

A138 - MIN1 Mining Mobilities across the Globe: Labour, Science, and Knowledge Circulation in Mining (15th-21st Century)
Network: Labour in Mining  
  Discussant: F. Sanna
L. D’Angelo : Mining Mobilities in Colonial West Africa: Circulation of Technology, Knowledge, Experience in Diamond Mining
C. Mamaloukaki : Heut and Geyler’s Agency in the Global Mining and Metallurgical Industry in the late 19th century
L. Ugbudian : Mining Mobilities and Circulation of Knowledge in Nigeria

A144 - MIG5 Labour migration, national development and international narratives
Network: Labour Migration History Chair: L. Venturas
S. Bernard : Yugoslavism in the workplace: self-managing employment abroad
D. Iordanidou : Year 1922 Refugees in Greece and Trade Unions: Stories the Judicial Archives can tell us
S. Zeric : "Workers abroad can also help the development of their local region": Yugoslavs' remittances factories

A156 - WPL1 Making and Remaking the Workplace: Gender, Technology and Power
Network: Workplaces: pasts and presents  
  Discussant: N. Pizzolato
J. Cousin : British Steamships and Colonial Seafarers: Spatial Dynamics and Connected Spaces (1914-1946)
B. Curtis : “Mining is Not Like Working in the Factory”: A Spatial History of Work in the Collieries of South Wales in the Twentieth Century
S. Ioannidis : The Spatial Aspect of Work in The Postwar White Goods Industry in Greece, 1950-1977
A. Odman : Waste Ships of the World as the Workspace: Shipbreaking Yards in Aliaga/Izmir, Turkey

B115 - FEM-WPL Women negotiating change in industrial workplaces across the 20th century
Network: Feminist Labour History Chair: G. Akgöz
  Discussant: G. Akgöz
D. Kirkby : Waterfront Women Navigating Male-Dominated Work
E. Robertson : On the Buses: Women Conductors and Drivers in the Australian Motorbus Industry
K. Wood : “Simply as cock and hen”: Australian women workers in the automobile industry

B125 - PUB-Round Anything new under the sun? Highlights from and reflections on ELHN-related publications. A Roundtable across Working Groups.
Network: round table  
Organizer: S. Zimmermann Discussants: A. Knotter, M. Martini, L. Papastefanaki, T. Petrik

B159 - PRE2 State and business actors creating precarity
Network: Precarious Labour Chair: N. T. Andersen
D. Antunes, M. Tunes : Labor Market Disorganization and Precariousness: The Occupational Profile of the Poor in Contemporary Brazil
T. Bergholm : Giving access to winter employment
A. Panagopoulos : Precarious Labour in the construction of Digital Society: the case of Digitalization Projects’ workers in Greece, 2004-2020
R. Thyagarajan : Sanitation at Whose Cost? Environmental Public Interest Litigation in 1990s India and the Judicial Construction of Precarity in Public Employment

H317 - FEM5 Tensions around women’s labour leadership: A biographical approach to the history of women’s labour activism
Network: Feminist Labour History  
  Discussant: L. Azara
A. Cova : Cécile Brunschvicg (1877-1946) and the politics of women’s work in a transnational gender perspective
R. Percy : ‘The good woman leader is the most womanly person. She doesn’t imitate men’: Female labour leadership in the early twentieth century
M. Tamboukou : The agonistics of love: eros in the labour movement
E. Varsa : “No one has raised their voice for the Gypsy, who works honestly and has always been outsider the law”: Mária László’s labour activism in 1930s-1950s Hungary

Wednesday 12 June 2024 18.30 - 20.30
Salagatan 18 B - IAHLHI Annual Reports – the key to history we all need. Trade unions, archives and scholars in discussion
  Chair: J. Jansson
  Discussants: E. Boris, M. Isacson, A. Marquet

Thursday 13 June 2024 09.00 - 10.30
Hörsall 3 - KEY2 Keynote film by Helle Stenum
  Chair: J. Söderqvist
  Discussant: G. Akgöz
The documentary ’The Sad Truth’ is about young Syrian women in Danish deportation camps with two choices; return to country of origin or spend time indefinitely in a deportation camp. Their stories are intertwined with histories of Danish deportation of Jews in 1930'ies and German war refugees 1945-47. The film asks who is telling the histories and how? Who is remembered and who is forgotten?

Director Helle Stenum, PhD.
Director of ‘We Carry It within Us’ (2017) on the narrative of the Danish-Caribbean colonial past. Screened on Danish national Broadcast 2017-2018, international film festivals and public events internationally.

After the film there will be a Q&A with Görkem Akgöz, global labour historian and post doc researcher at Humboldt University.

Thursday 13 June 2024 11.00 - 12.30
A114 - EDU1 Workers’ education in Europe from the 1800s until today, I. Book workshop
Network: Workers' Education  
Organizers: J. Jansson, J. Söderqvist  
E. Hakoniemi : Workers’ own education in the developing welfare state: The concept “autonomous workers’ education” in the Finnish workers’ education 1940–1960.
V. Kezic : Workers’ Education in Croatia in the late 19th century
P. Kumbhat : Democratising Workers’ Adult Education in Britain (c.1870-1939) A narrative of ladders, highways, and byways.
A. R. Pejic : Getting to know Lenin – role of education in Yugoslavian working class during the interwar period
A. Zimmermann : Training Trade Union Officials: experiences from Switzerland

A138 - MIN2 Mining Mobilities across the Globe: Labour, Science, and Knowledge Circulation in Mining (15th-21st Century) II: Recruiting, Negotiating, and Exchanging Labour
Network: Labour in Mining  
Organizer: F. Sanna Discussant: G. Marcon
A. Askin : Village Workers and Migrant Laborers of the Lead and Silver Mines in Central Anatolia (1740-1796)
A. Campagne : Subcontracting, recruitment, miners’ mobility and knowledge circulation in colonial Vietnam
A. Mak : Coal Miners’ Attitude towards Poles in the British Coal Industry
N. Olma : Knowing Uranium: Examining the Exchange of Mining and Radiation Knowledge In a Soviet Uranium Mining Town

A144 - DEI-CEE2 Ethnic Identities and Industrial Memory 2
Network: Memory and Deindustrialisation Chair: T. Valuch
Organizers: M. Harlov-Csortán, S. Moitra Discussant: S. Berger
J. Hagemann : Inherited Landscape? Negotiating ethnicity and belonging within the heritagisation of the post-mining landscape in Lusatia.
T. Juhászová : Deindustrialization in a linguistically mixed periphery of Czechoslovakia during the second half of the 20th century
J. K. Schemmer : Ethnic coding of industrial heritage. Exploring interrelated dynamics of shipyard work, its musealisation, and (industrial memory) politics

A156 - WPL2 Writing the Spatio-temporal Dynamics into Labour History: Politics, Control and Mobility
Network: Workplaces: pasts and presents  
  Discussant: G. Akgöz
E. Bakshi, A. Seal : Fractured Biographies, Connected Logics: A Spatio-Temporal Study of Internal-Circuital-Migration from The Indian State of Jharkhand
P. Boulland, P. S. : Building the Union Headquarter: A Spatial Study of Union Professionalization in France, 1970s-1980s
D. Kelliher : The Spatial Politics of the Picket Line: Britain c. 1970 – 1998
D. Yüce : Dynamics of Compulsory Labor in Late Ottoman Empire Road Maintenance

B125 - FEM-EMP Women confronting gender, racial and religious segregation in the field of labour and labour activism in (post)colonial contexts
Network: Feminist Labour History  
  Discussants: Y. Béliard, B. Bush, A. Clark, L. Tabili
E. Barattini : “El fruto de su trabajo”: patrocinadas’ _labor and lawsuits in colonial Cuba (1880-1886)
C. Fauroux : French women’s and colonized forced laborers’ work in the war plants in France in 1939-1940
P. Ghosh : Constructing Subaltern Counterpublics through “Women’s Work”: Understanding Naga Women’s unique methods of Resistance
M. Sen : Re)Inventing Feminism within the Discourse of Class-Struggle: Women and Intellectual History in the Trade Union Movement of Late Colonial Bengal; an Alternative Narrative of Decolonisation (1920-1947)

B159 - PRE3 Regulations and organizing strategies against precarity
Network: Precarious Labour Chair: M. F. Arellanes
  Discussant: R. Kösters
W. Koppmann : Yiddish Labor Worlds in Buenos Aires, 1905-1930: Work Relations, Labor Movement, and Trade Union Organization
N. Potamianos : : The creation of "regulated professions" in Greece, 1900-1940
I. Valassopoulos : From Artisans to Activists: Greek Shoemakers’ Political Mobilization and Radicalization (1880s-1921)

Network: Maritime Labour History  
Organizer: J. Ibarz  
J. Cousin : The Impacts of Liberalization on Colonial Seamen (1925-1944)
D. Dominguez Cabrera : Slavery, dock labour and racialisation in Cuba (18th-19th c.)
P. M. Antón : Pilots of Navigation in Barcelona: A database of Names and Voyages of the second half of the XIX Century.
S. Srougo : Port Labor and Wartime Struggles: Jewish Workers of Thessaloniki During the Greek-Italian Campaign (1940-1941)

H317 - ARC1 State regulations and interventions
Network: Arctic and Indigenous Labour Chair: M. Kaihovirta
  Discussant: M. Kaihovirta
A. Blomqvist : Comparing Nationalization and Indigenous Labor in the Sami-Swedish and Hungarian-Romanian Borderlands, 1870–1920
I. Jonsson, S. Neunsinger : ILO Convention 169: A comparison of the implementation and the importance for Indigenous and tribal peoples in the Arctic
S. Neunsinger, I. Jonsson : ILO Convention 169: A comparison of the implementation and the importance for Indigenous and tribal peoples in the Arctic
: Studying Sámi labour history as lived industrialisation against a backdrop of non-structuralist settler colonial theory
J. Overud : The AMU/AMO re-training of northern rural labour: Gender segregation during industrialization and colonization in Sweden and Norway 1961-2023
H. Stenum : Opposing ethnographic race science; public responses. Johan Turi and his 1911 book Muittalius Samid Birra

Thursday 13 June 2024 14.00 - 15.30
A114 - EDU2 Workers’ education in Europe from the 1800s until today, II Book workshop.
Network: Workers' Education  
Organizers: J. Jansson, J. Söderqvist  
J. Jansson : International Federation of Workers’ Education Associations: contested cross-national cooperation
S. Moitra : Great Expectations: German Coal Mining, the Labour Movement and the Question of Vocational Schools
L. Rahm : Educating Workers for Automation: Imaginaries and Problematisations of Reformist Education in Swedish Trade Union Films in the 1950s and 1980s
J. Söderqvist : Workers’ Education and Social Mobility in Sweden

A138 - MIN3 Mining Mobilities across the Globe: Labour, Science, and Knowledge Circulation in Mining (15th-21st Century) III Moving Knowledge, Moving Workers: Capitalism, Gender, and the Environment
Network: Labour in Mining  
  Discussant: L. Papastefanaki
T. Cleveland : The Impact on Spousal Accompaniment Rates Due to Prior Knowledge about Labor Conditions on Angola’s Colonial-era Diamond Mines, 1919-1975
O. Coughlan : Cantines, cantiniers, and the contestation of colonial oppression in the Gard coalfield, c.1920-1940
B. Fabrucci : We Want You! Selection Procedures for German Mines in the foreign refugee camps in Italy
D. Valinsena : Coal Lives. Migration, Toxicity, and the Heritage of Industrialization in Belgium

A144 - DEI-CEE3 Ethnic Identities and Industrial Memory 3
Network: Memory and Deindustrialisation  
Organizers: M. Harlov-Csortán, T. Valuch Discussant: S. Berger
I. D. Martínez : Asturias and the Basque Country. The Omission of Industrial Memory in the Construction of their National Identities
L. MacKinnon : Don’t Forget Where You’re From:” Ethnic Identity and Industrial Memory in Whitney Pier, Nova Scotia.
G. Moulton : Steeple and Smokestack: Industry and Ethnic Identity in Polish and Hungarian American Church Murals

A156 - WPL3 Roundtable: Spatialising the Workplace in Global Perspective: Multiscalar Approaches to Work and Space in Bulgaria, India and Turkey
Network: Workplaces: pasts and presents  
Organizers: G. Akgöz, D. Kofti, C. Strümpell Discussant: N. Pizzolato

B125 - FAM-MAR Gender in Fishing and Maritime Communities: Women, Labour Markets, and Family Living Standards in Coastal Europe
Networks: Labour and Family Economy , Maritime Labour History  
Organizer: L. M. Abeledo  
D. J. Albero Santacreu, A. D. G. : Selling fish at the wholesale market: the role of patronas in the socioeconomic organization of the fishing communities of Mallorca (1944-2003)
M. Carballal : Women's work in fish-canning industry in the port of Vigo during Franco's regime: wages and family income
S. Chatzopoulou : Representations of women and their labour in fishing and other occupations in Early Modern and Modern English Broadside Ballads
A. Dominguez Garcia, D. J. A. : Selling fish at the wholesale market: the role of patronas in the socioeconomic organization of the fishing communities of Mallorca (1944-2003)
L. M. Abeledo, V. Canal : Business women in Spanish port cities (1880-1913)

Network: Maritime Labour History  
E. Garcia-Domingo, J. I. : “Patronos” of coastal trade and social mobility in the port of Barcelona, 1850-1872.
J. Ibarz, E. G. : “Patronos” of coastal trade and social mobility in the port of Barcelona, 1850-1872.
D. Muntané Pueyo, B. J. v. : The maritime “patronos” of Tarragona, Spain, during the nineteenth century: a look at the of the elites of the merchant marine, fishing, and port labor.
E. Page : From artisans to industrialists: the socio-economic mobility of ropemakers and sailmakers in Barcelona
B. von Briesen, D. M. : The maritime “patronos” of Tarragona, Spain, during the nineteenth century: a look at the of the elites of the merchant marine, fishing, and port labor.

Thursday 13 June 2024 16.00 - 17.30
Hörsall 3 - GEN General Assembly

Thursday 13 June 2024 18.00 - 20.00
Williams Pub, Åsgränd 5c - DRINKS drinks

Friday 14 June 2024 09.00 - 17.00
Excursion - EXCU Excursion

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