
Showing: Maritime Labour History (all days)
Tue 11 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30

Wed 12 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30
    18.30 - 20.30

Thu 13 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30
    18.00 - 20.00

Fri 14 June
    09.00 - 17.00

All days
Thursday 13 June 2024 11.00 - 12.30
Network: Maritime Labour History  
Organizer: J. Ibarz  
J. Cousin : The Impacts of Liberalization on Colonial Seamen (1925-1944)
D. Dominguez Cabrera : Slavery, dock labour and racialisation in Cuba (18th-19th c.)
P. M. Antón : Pilots of Navigation in Barcelona: A database of Names and Voyages of the second half of the XIX Century.
S. Srougo : Port Labor and Wartime Struggles: Jewish Workers of Thessaloniki During the Greek-Italian Campaign (1940-1941)

Thursday 13 June 2024 14.00 - 15.30
B125 - FAM-MAR Gender in Fishing and Maritime Communities: Women, Labour Markets, and Family Living Standards in Coastal Europe
Networks: Labour and Family Economy , Maritime Labour History  
Organizer: L. M. Abeledo  
D. J. Albero Santacreu, A. D. G. : Selling fish at the wholesale market: the role of patronas in the socioeconomic organization of the fishing communities of Mallorca (1944-2003)
M. Carballal : Women's work in fish-canning industry in the port of Vigo during Franco's regime: wages and family income
S. Chatzopoulou : Representations of women and their labour in fishing and other occupations in Early Modern and Modern English Broadside Ballads
A. Dominguez Garcia, D. J. A. : Selling fish at the wholesale market: the role of patronas in the socioeconomic organization of the fishing communities of Mallorca (1944-2003)
L. M. Abeledo, V. Canal : Business women in Spanish port cities (1880-1913)

Network: Maritime Labour History  
E. Garcia-Domingo, J. I. : “Patronos” of coastal trade and social mobility in the port of Barcelona, 1850-1872.
J. Ibarz, E. G. : “Patronos” of coastal trade and social mobility in the port of Barcelona, 1850-1872.
D. Muntané Pueyo, B. J. v. : The maritime “patronos” of Tarragona, Spain, during the nineteenth century: a look at the of the elites of the merchant marine, fishing, and port labor.
E. Page : From artisans to industrialists: the socio-economic mobility of ropemakers and sailmakers in Barcelona
B. von Briesen, D. M. : The maritime “patronos” of Tarragona, Spain, during the nineteenth century: a look at the of the elites of the merchant marine, fishing, and port labor.

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