
Showing: Thursday 13 June 2024 (entire day)
Tue 11 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30

Wed 12 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30
    18.30 - 20.30

Thu 13 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30
    18.00 - 20.00

Fri 14 June
    09.00 - 17.00

All days
Thursday 13 June 2024 09.00 - 10.30
Hörsall 3 - KEY2 Keynote film by Helle Stenum
  Chair: J. Söderqvist
  Discussant: G. Akgöz
The documentary ’The Sad Truth’ is about young Syrian women in Danish deportation camps with two choices; return to country of origin or spend time indefinitely in a deportation camp. Their stories are intertwined with histories of Danish deportation of Jews in 1930'ies and German war refugees 1945-47. The film asks who is telling the histories and how? Who is remembered and who is forgotten?

Director Helle Stenum, PhD.
Director of ‘We Carry It within Us’ (2017) on the narrative of the Danish-Caribbean colonial past. Screened on Danish national Broadcast 2017-2018, international film festivals and public events internationally.

After the film there will be a Q&A with Görkem Akgöz, global labour historian and post doc researcher at Humboldt University.

Thursday 13 June 2024 11.00 - 12.30
A114 - EDU1 Workers’ education in Europe from the 1800s until today, I. Book workshop
Network: Workers' Education  
Organizers: J. Jansson, J. Söderqvist  
E. Hakoniemi : Workers’ own education in the developing welfare state: The concept “autonomous workers’ education” in the Finnish workers’ education 1940–1960.
V. Kezic : Workers’ Education in Croatia in the late 19th century
P. Kumbhat : Democratising Workers’ Adult Education in Britain (c.1870-1939) A narrative of ladders, highways, and byways.
A. R. Pejic : Getting to know Lenin – role of education in Yugoslavian working class during the interwar period
A. Zimmermann : Training Trade Union Officials: experiences from Switzerland

A138 - MIN2 Mining Mobilities across the Globe: Labour, Science, and Knowledge Circulation in Mining (15th-21st Century) II: Recruiting, Negotiating, and Exchanging Labour
Network: Labour in Mining  
Organizer: F. Sanna Discussant: G. Marcon
A. Askin : Village Workers and Migrant Laborers of the Lead and Silver Mines in Central Anatolia (1740-1796)
A. Campagne : Subcontracting, recruitment, miners’ mobility and knowledge circulation in colonial Vietnam
A. Mak : Coal Miners’ Attitude towards Poles in the British Coal Industry
N. Olma : Knowing Uranium: Examining the Exchange of Mining and Radiation Knowledge In a Soviet Uranium Mining Town

A144 - DEI-CEE2 Ethnic Identities and Industrial Memory 2
Network: Memory and Deindustrialisation Chair: T. Valuch
Organizers: M. Harlov-Csortán, S. Moitra Discussant: S. Berger
J. Hagemann : Inherited Landscape? Negotiating ethnicity and belonging within the heritagisation of the post-mining landscape in Lusatia.
T. Juhászová : Deindustrialization in a linguistically mixed periphery of Czechoslovakia during the second half of the 20th century
J. K. Schemmer : Ethnic coding of industrial heritage. Exploring interrelated dynamics of shipyard work, its musealisation, and (industrial memory) politics

A156 - WPL2 Writing the Spatio-temporal Dynamics into Labour History: Politics, Control and Mobility
Network: Workplaces: pasts and presents  
  Discussant: G. Akgöz
E. Bakshi, A. Seal : Fractured Biographies, Connected Logics: A Spatio-Temporal Study of Internal-Circuital-Migration from The Indian State of Jharkhand
P. Boulland, P. S. : Building the Union Headquarter: A Spatial Study of Union Professionalization in France, 1970s-1980s
D. Kelliher : The Spatial Politics of the Picket Line: Britain c. 1970 – 1998
D. Yüce : Dynamics of Compulsory Labor in Late Ottoman Empire Road Maintenance

B125 - FEM-EMP Women confronting gender, racial and religious segregation in the field of labour and labour activism in (post)colonial contexts
Network: Feminist Labour History  
  Discussants: Y. Béliard, B. Bush, A. Clark, L. Tabili
E. Barattini : “El fruto de su trabajo”: patrocinadas’ _labor and lawsuits in colonial Cuba (1880-1886)
C. Fauroux : French women’s and colonized forced laborers’ work in the war plants in France in 1939-1940
P. Ghosh : Constructing Subaltern Counterpublics through “Women’s Work”: Understanding Naga Women’s unique methods of Resistance
M. Sen : Re)Inventing Feminism within the Discourse of Class-Struggle: Women and Intellectual History in the Trade Union Movement of Late Colonial Bengal; an Alternative Narrative of Decolonisation (1920-1947)

B159 - PRE3 Regulations and organizing strategies against precarity
Network: Precarious Labour Chair: M. F. Arellanes
  Discussant: R. Kösters
W. Koppmann : Yiddish Labor Worlds in Buenos Aires, 1905-1930: Work Relations, Labor Movement, and Trade Union Organization
N. Potamianos : : The creation of "regulated professions" in Greece, 1900-1940
I. Valassopoulos : From Artisans to Activists: Greek Shoemakers’ Political Mobilization and Radicalization (1880s-1921)

Network: Maritime Labour History  
Organizer: J. Ibarz  
J. Cousin : The Impacts of Liberalization on Colonial Seamen (1925-1944)
D. Dominguez Cabrera : Slavery, dock labour and racialisation in Cuba (18th-19th c.)
P. M. Antón : Pilots of Navigation in Barcelona: A database of Names and Voyages of the second half of the XIX Century.
S. Srougo : Port Labor and Wartime Struggles: Jewish Workers of Thessaloniki During the Greek-Italian Campaign (1940-1941)

H317 - ARC1 State regulations and interventions
Network: Arctic and Indigenous Labour Chair: M. Kaihovirta
  Discussant: M. Kaihovirta
A. Blomqvist : Comparing Nationalization and Indigenous Labor in the Sami-Swedish and Hungarian-Romanian Borderlands, 1870–1920
I. Jonsson, S. Neunsinger : ILO Convention 169: A comparison of the implementation and the importance for Indigenous and tribal peoples in the Arctic
S. Neunsinger, I. Jonsson : ILO Convention 169: A comparison of the implementation and the importance for Indigenous and tribal peoples in the Arctic
: Studying Sámi labour history as lived industrialisation against a backdrop of non-structuralist settler colonial theory
J. Overud : The AMU/AMO re-training of northern rural labour: Gender segregation during industrialization and colonization in Sweden and Norway 1961-2023
H. Stenum : Opposing ethnographic race science; public responses. Johan Turi and his 1911 book Muittalius Samid Birra

Thursday 13 June 2024 14.00 - 15.30
A114 - EDU2 Workers’ education in Europe from the 1800s until today, II Book workshop.
Network: Workers' Education  
Organizers: J. Jansson, J. Söderqvist  
J. Jansson : International Federation of Workers’ Education Associations: contested cross-national cooperation
S. Moitra : Great Expectations: German Coal Mining, the Labour Movement and the Question of Vocational Schools
L. Rahm : Educating Workers for Automation: Imaginaries and Problematisations of Reformist Education in Swedish Trade Union Films in the 1950s and 1980s
J. Söderqvist : Workers’ Education and Social Mobility in Sweden

A138 - MIN3 Mining Mobilities across the Globe: Labour, Science, and Knowledge Circulation in Mining (15th-21st Century) III Moving Knowledge, Moving Workers: Capitalism, Gender, and the Environment
Network: Labour in Mining  
  Discussant: L. Papastefanaki
T. Cleveland : The Impact on Spousal Accompaniment Rates Due to Prior Knowledge about Labor Conditions on Angola’s Colonial-era Diamond Mines, 1919-1975
O. Coughlan : Cantines, cantiniers, and the contestation of colonial oppression in the Gard coalfield, c.1920-1940
B. Fabrucci : We Want You! Selection Procedures for German Mines in the foreign refugee camps in Italy
D. Valinsena : Coal Lives. Migration, Toxicity, and the Heritage of Industrialization in Belgium

A144 - DEI-CEE3 Ethnic Identities and Industrial Memory 3
Network: Memory and Deindustrialisation  
Organizers: M. Harlov-Csortán, T. Valuch Discussant: S. Berger
I. D. Martínez : Asturias and the Basque Country. The Omission of Industrial Memory in the Construction of their National Identities
L. MacKinnon : Don’t Forget Where You’re From:” Ethnic Identity and Industrial Memory in Whitney Pier, Nova Scotia.
G. Moulton : Steeple and Smokestack: Industry and Ethnic Identity in Polish and Hungarian American Church Murals

A156 - WPL3 Roundtable: Spatialising the Workplace in Global Perspective: Multiscalar Approaches to Work and Space in Bulgaria, India and Turkey
Network: Workplaces: pasts and presents  
Organizers: G. Akgöz, D. Kofti, C. Strümpell Discussant: N. Pizzolato

B125 - FAM-MAR Gender in Fishing and Maritime Communities: Women, Labour Markets, and Family Living Standards in Coastal Europe
Networks: Labour and Family Economy , Maritime Labour History  
Organizer: L. M. Abeledo  
D. J. Albero Santacreu, A. D. G. : Selling fish at the wholesale market: the role of patronas in the socioeconomic organization of the fishing communities of Mallorca (1944-2003)
M. Carballal : Women's work in fish-canning industry in the port of Vigo during Franco's regime: wages and family income
S. Chatzopoulou : Representations of women and their labour in fishing and other occupations in Early Modern and Modern English Broadside Ballads
A. Dominguez Garcia, D. J. A. : Selling fish at the wholesale market: the role of patronas in the socioeconomic organization of the fishing communities of Mallorca (1944-2003)
L. M. Abeledo, V. Canal : Business women in Spanish port cities (1880-1913)

Network: Maritime Labour History  
E. Garcia-Domingo, J. I. : “Patronos” of coastal trade and social mobility in the port of Barcelona, 1850-1872.
J. Ibarz, E. G. : “Patronos” of coastal trade and social mobility in the port of Barcelona, 1850-1872.
D. Muntané Pueyo, B. J. v. : The maritime “patronos” of Tarragona, Spain, during the nineteenth century: a look at the of the elites of the merchant marine, fishing, and port labor.
E. Page : From artisans to industrialists: the socio-economic mobility of ropemakers and sailmakers in Barcelona
B. von Briesen, D. M. : The maritime “patronos” of Tarragona, Spain, during the nineteenth century: a look at the of the elites of the merchant marine, fishing, and port labor.

Thursday 13 June 2024 16.00 - 17.30
Hörsall 3 - GEN General Assembly

Thursday 13 June 2024 18.00 - 20.00
Williams Pub, Åsgränd 5c - DRINKS drinks

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