
Showing: Memory and Deindustrialisation (all days)
Tue 11 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30

Wed 12 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30
    18.30 - 20.30

Thu 13 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30
    18.00 - 20.00

Fri 14 June
    09.00 - 17.00

All days
Wednesday 12 June 2024 14.00 - 15.30
H317 - DEI-CEE1 Ethnic Identities and Industrial Memory 1
Network: Memory and Deindustrialisation Chair: M. Harlov-Csortán
Organizers: S. Moitra, T. Valuch Discussant: S. Berger
M. Baumert : „I'm a miner, who's more?“ Lignite Mining and Identity in East Germany
O. Klípa : The defeat of memory. Anger and politics in a Polish lignite-fired power plant

Thursday 13 June 2024 11.00 - 12.30
A144 - DEI-CEE2 Ethnic Identities and Industrial Memory 2
Network: Memory and Deindustrialisation Chair: T. Valuch
Organizers: M. Harlov-Csortán, S. Moitra Discussant: S. Berger
J. Hagemann : Inherited Landscape? Negotiating ethnicity and belonging within the heritagisation of the post-mining landscape in Lusatia.
T. Juhászová : Deindustrialization in a linguistically mixed periphery of Czechoslovakia during the second half of the 20th century
J. K. Schemmer : Ethnic coding of industrial heritage. Exploring interrelated dynamics of shipyard work, its musealisation, and (industrial memory) politics

Thursday 13 June 2024 14.00 - 15.30
A144 - DEI-CEE3 Ethnic Identities and Industrial Memory 3
Network: Memory and Deindustrialisation  
Organizers: M. Harlov-Csortán, T. Valuch Discussant: S. Berger
I. D. Martínez : Asturias and the Basque Country. The Omission of Industrial Memory in the Construction of their National Identities
L. MacKinnon : Don’t Forget Where You’re From:” Ethnic Identity and Industrial Memory in Whitney Pier, Nova Scotia.
G. Moulton : Steeple and Smokestack: Industry and Ethnic Identity in Polish and Hungarian American Church Murals

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