
Showing: Tuesday 11 June 2024 (entire day)
Tue 11 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30

Wed 12 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30
    18.30 - 20.30

Thu 13 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30
    18.00 - 20.00

Fri 14 June
    09.00 - 17.00

All days
Tuesday 11 June 2024 09.00 - 10.30
A138 - WG FEM Feminist Labour Working Group Meeting

A144 - WG Lab&Mig Labour Migration History Working group meeting

A156 - WG Fam&Ec Working group meeting Family & Economy

B115 - WG MAR Working group meeting Maritime Labour

B125 - WG Past&Pr Workplaces: Past and Present Working group meeting

Tuesday 11 June 2024 11.00 - 12.30
Hörsall 3 - KEY1 “Resistance and Resilience: Sámi indenture in central Sweden at the Advent of Modernity.”,
  Chair: S. Neunsinger
  Discussant: L. Papastefanaki
Opening of the conference:
• Leda Papastefanaki, chair of ELHN netcom
• Jan Ottosson, dept of Economic History, Uppsala University
• Joakim Palme, dean of the faculty of social sciences, of Uppsala university
• Joakim Johansson, head of institution, Swedish Labour movements Archives and Library

Key Note: Jonas M. Nordin, Resistance and Resilience: Sámi indenture in central Sweden at the Advent of Modernity.

Tuesday 11 June 2024 14.00 - 15.30
A114 - INDE1 Theories and Historical Concepts
Network: Economic and Industrial Democracy Chair: S. Friedel
M. Ebbertz : Participation at Work: A History of Economic and Industrial Democracy
S. Svenberg : “A theory of accumulated decision-making power informed by historical organization for economic democracy in the UK”
P. Urban : The Conceptual History of a Program of Economic Democracy

A138 - COE1 Historical semantics of coercion
Network: Labour and Coercion  
  Discussant: C. Uppenberg
M. G. Blasi : Replacing Chinese Migrants: Spanish Racialized Discourses on Immigration to Cuba and the Philippines (1847-1898)
T. Guiffard : Disciplinary order in war factories : Forms, practices and grammar of discipline in Lyon and Turin between 1914 and 1918
N. Kindersley : ‘As awkward as possible’: resistance to forced work in South Sudan, 1898–date
J. Spicksley : Abusive authority and the language of slavery: revisiting the sclavus in medieval Europe
T. Vidal : Sub-text and subordination: unpacking practices and semantics of agricultural labour in late-medieval Northern Italy

A144 - MIG1 A more-than-national perspective of guest worker programs
Network: Labour Migration History Chair: A. Batzeli
Organizers: A. Batzeli, C. Bernardi  
N. T. Andersen : The role of the ILO in promoting migration as an employment strategy in the 1960s-1970s
C. Bernardi : The transcontinental legacy of guest worker programs between Europe and North America
D. I. Córdoba Ramírez : Clause 23 of the employment contract: approaches to the labor association during the Bracero Program
M. Snodgrass : Bracero Histories: Guestworker Programs in Public Memory

A156 - EMP1 French Empire and Its Aftermath
Network: Labour and Empire Chair: J. Cousin
Organizers: Y. Béliard, L. Costaguta, J. Cousin  
C. Bernard : Rent Strike Anti-Imperialism: The Sonacotra Immigrant-Worker Hostel Movement in Post-Colonial France, 1975-1979.
V. Bollenot : Imperialized as a category of domination (France, 1919-1940)
G. Genoud : Labour and anti-imperialism in the French periphery: the case of the Corsican nationalist syndicat des travailleurs corses (1983-1991)

B125 - FEM1 Expert discourses and struggles around the regulation of women’s labour
Network: Feminist Labour History Chair: E. Varsa
  Discussant: E. Varsa
A. Gagyiova : “To the last drop”: Complicating the relationship of work and motherhood at the example of breastmilk donation in 1950s Hungary
N. Jarska : Women’s work and women’s health. Medical expertise and protective legislation in post-war Poland
E. Luif : Work or Hobby? Home-Based Work in the System of (Gendered) Labour Regulation in Interwar Austria

B159 - FAM1 Labour, gender and social mobility during the industrialization. I: Institutional and organisational changes and social mobility
Network: Labour and Family Economy  
Organizers: L. F. Alos, C. Lorandini Discussant: M. Martini
M. C. Jou : Labour family mobility of rural artisans in Catalonia: case study of construction artisans (1750-1805)
L. F. Alos : Technical change, changes in labor markets and social mobility in wine-growing and proto-industrial Catalonia (18th-19th centuries)
C. Lorandini : Black swans? Female overseers in the silk industry: evidence from Tyrol in the 19th century
M. Renom : The liberalization of food markets and the social mobility in the horticultural and poultry sectors (Barcelona, 18th-19th centuries)

F416 - MIL1 Visual sources, material artefacts and military labour
Network: Military Labour History Chair: J. Kim
B. Blum : Propaganda and Emotions: Official and private visual sources on British military families and military labour in war and peace, 1955-2019
C. de Matos : Visualising Domestic and Military Masculinities in the Work of Military Occupation
L. McDonnell : Seeing Early Modern Battle Anew: Warwork in the paintings of Pieter Snayers
O. Siitonen : Euphemisms and Passive Tense as a Means for De-visualising Narratives of Wartime Violence
A. Touloumtzidis : The Image of the Balkan Civilian Labourer at the Service of Armée d’Orient in the Macedonian Front: Photographs and propaganda in the British press during the First World War

H317 - CEE1 Unstable stability? Working class-life and the world of work in East-Central Europe after 1989-1991
Network: Central-East Europe Chairs: A. E. Bartha, T. Valuch
H. Danilovich : Trade unions and workers’ voice in post-Soviet Belarus (1991 to present)
L. Kalb : Housing Distribution, Deservingness & Transforming Class Relations in 1990s Riga

Tuesday 11 June 2024 16.00 - 17.30
A114 - WG PREC Precarious labour Working group meeting

A138 - WG MIN Labour in Mining Working group meeting

A144 - WG MIL Military Labour History Working group meeting

A156 - WG Arc&Ind Arctic and Indigenous Working group meeting

B125 - WG Ec&Ind Economic and Industrial Democracy Working group meeting

B159 - WG Lab&Emp Labour and Empire Working Group meeting

F416 - WG Lab&Coe Labour and Coercion Working Group meeting

H317 - WG Mem&Dei Memory and Deindustrialization Working Group meeting

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