
Showing: room B115 (all days)
Tue 11 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30

Wed 12 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30
    18.30 - 20.30

Thu 13 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30
    18.00 - 20.00

Fri 14 June
    09.00 - 17.00

All days
Tuesday 11 June 2024 09.00 - 10.30
B115 - WG MAR Working group meeting Maritime Labour

Wednesday 12 June 2024 09.00 - 10.30
B115 - MIN4 Mining–Agriculture Relationships: Influences on labour organisation and labour markets: Panel I: Relations between mining and agriculture
Network: Labour in Mining Chair: A. Cohen
Organizer: J. J. Garcia Gomez  
F. Sanna : In between fields : labour pluriactivity in mining and agriculture in Italy (XIX-XX)
E. Trescastro-López, M. T. a. A. Martinez : Food in the mining areas of southeastern Spain. Analysis of a manuscript of recipes from the 19th century
A. Turbanti : Relations between Mining and Agriculture in Italy

Wednesday 12 June 2024 11.00 - 12.30
B115 - MIN5 Environmental and social effects derived from the Mining and Agriculture relations
Network: Labour in Mining Chair: J. J. Garcia Gomez
Organizers: A. Cohen, J. J. Garcia Gomez, M. P. Perceval Verde  
A. Cohen : Gran minería, pequeño campesinado: transición al capitalismo en un área de la Andalucía “profunda” (fines siglo XIX-siglo XX)
S. Dimitriadis : Land Ownership, Mining and Labour Market Fragmentation in Northern Euboea, 1850-1920
A. Fleta, G. B. A. Cohen : Minería y conflictos por el agua. Miradas cruzadas desde España y Canadá
J. D. Perez-Cebada, P. G. Silva : Mining, Agriculture and Pollution
P. G. Silva, O. Sacramento : Between mining and farming: social and ecological transforma3ons of wolfram extrac3on in a Portuguese agrarian context (1930s-1970s)

Wednesday 12 June 2024 14.00 - 15.30
B115 - MIL-MAR Military and Maritime Recruitment
Network: Military Labour History Chairs: J. Ibarz, A. Touloumtzidis
J. Aguilera-López : From Pen to Sword: The Superintendent Position and the Incorporation of Military Expertise into the Barcelona Shipbuilding Industry (1560–1620)
M. Antypas : Tracing the relationship between conscription during the Greek Revolution and the formation of maritime labour market on the island of Hydra, 1821-1860
T. Peláez : "The recruitment of rowers in the Galleys of Spain during the 16th century"
D. Salvatore : “Building an Empire: mobilisation and conscription in the Italian fascist empire (1935-1940)”

Wednesday 12 June 2024 16.00 - 17.30
B115 - FEM-WPL Women negotiating change in industrial workplaces across the 20th century
Network: Feminist Labour History Chair: G. Akgöz
  Discussant: G. Akgöz
D. Kirkby : Waterfront Women Navigating Male-Dominated Work
E. Robertson : On the Buses: Women Conductors and Drivers in the Australian Motorbus Industry
K. Wood : “Simply as cock and hen”: Australian women workers in the automobile industry

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