Fifth ELHN Conference • June 11-13, 2024 • Uppsala University •
Tuesday 11 June 2024
14.00 - 15.30
B159 -
Labour, gender and social mobility during the industrialization. I: Institutional and organisational changes and social mobility
L. F. Alos : Technical change, changes in labor markets and social mobility in wine-growing and proto-industrial Catalonia (18th-19th centuries) C. Lorandini : Black swans? Female overseers in the silk industry: evidence from Tyrol in the 19th century M. Renom : The liberalization of food markets and the social mobility in the horticultural and poultry sectors (Barcelona, 18th-19th centuries)
Wednesday 12 June 2024
09.00 - 10.30
B159 -
Labour, gender and social mobility during the industrialization. II: Education and social mobility
G. Kitsoleris : Intra-generational social mobility in terms of occupation in Greece. The effect of crisis and overeducation on career mobility in a segmented labour market A. Mayer : Aspirations to social mobility among the working and lower middle classes in German-speaking Central Europe, 1840-1914
Wednesday 12 June 2024
11.00 - 12.30
B159 -
Labour and Old Age / Labouring Elderly
M. Papathanassiou : Poverty, labour and family economy in old age: Street-workers in mid-19th century London / Rural servants in the early 20th century Austrian Alps L. Pelzl : Social Mobility between Middle and Old Age in 17th and 18th-century Germany C. Uppenberg : Challenging the domestic: Care work, generation change and the gendered social reproduction of a semi-landless class in 19th century Sweden. B. Zucca : Elderly people at work in preindustrial urban Piedmont: an overview from families and charity institutions
Thursday 13 June 2024
14.00 - 15.30
B125 -
Gender in Fishing and Maritime Communities: Women, Labour Markets, and Family Living Standards in Coastal Europe
M. Carballal : Women's work in fish-canning industry in the port of Vigo during Franco's regime: wages and family income S. Chatzopoulou : Representations of women and their labour in fishing and other occupations in Early Modern and Modern English Broadside Ballads A. Dominguez Garcia, D. J. A. : Selling fish at the wholesale market: the role of patronas in the socioeconomic organization of the fishing communities of Mallorca (1944-2003) L. M. Abeledo, V. Canal : Business women in Spanish port cities (1880-1913) |
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