
Showing: Thursday 13 June 2024 11.00 - 12.30 (single time slot)
Tue 11 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30

Wed 12 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30
    18.30 - 20.30

Thu 13 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30
    18.00 - 20.00

Fri 14 June
    09.00 - 17.00

All days
Thursday 13 June 2024 11.00 - 12.30
A114 - EDU1 Workers’ education in Europe from the 1800s until today, I. Book workshop
Network: Workers' Education  
Organizers: J. Jansson, J. Söderqvist  
E. Hakoniemi : Workers’ own education in the developing welfare state: The concept “autonomous workers’ education” in the Finnish workers’ education 1940–1960.
V. Kezic : Workers’ Education in Croatia in the late 19th century
P. Kumbhat : Democratising Workers’ Adult Education in Britain (c.1870-1939) A narrative of ladders, highways, and byways.
A. R. Pejic : Getting to know Lenin – role of education in Yugoslavian working class during the interwar period
A. Zimmermann : Training Trade Union Officials: experiences from Switzerland

A138 - MIN2 Mining Mobilities across the Globe: Labour, Science, and Knowledge Circulation in Mining (15th-21st Century) II: Recruiting, Negotiating, and Exchanging Labour
Network: Labour in Mining  
Organizer: F. Sanna Discussant: G. Marcon
A. Askin : Village Workers and Migrant Laborers of the Lead and Silver Mines in Central Anatolia (1740-1796)
A. Campagne : Subcontracting, recruitment, miners’ mobility and knowledge circulation in colonial Vietnam
A. Mak : Coal Miners’ Attitude towards Poles in the British Coal Industry
N. Olma : Knowing Uranium: Examining the Exchange of Mining and Radiation Knowledge In a Soviet Uranium Mining Town

A144 - DEI-CEE2 Ethnic Identities and Industrial Memory 2
Network: Memory and Deindustrialisation Chair: T. Valuch
Organizers: M. Harlov-Csortán, S. Moitra Discussant: S. Berger
J. Hagemann : Inherited Landscape? Negotiating ethnicity and belonging within the heritagisation of the post-mining landscape in Lusatia.
T. Juhászová : Deindustrialization in a linguistically mixed periphery of Czechoslovakia during the second half of the 20th century
J. K. Schemmer : Ethnic coding of industrial heritage. Exploring interrelated dynamics of shipyard work, its musealisation, and (industrial memory) politics

A156 - WPL2 Writing the Spatio-temporal Dynamics into Labour History: Politics, Control and Mobility
Network: Workplaces: pasts and presents  
  Discussant: G. Akgöz
E. Bakshi, A. Seal : Fractured Biographies, Connected Logics: A Spatio-Temporal Study of Internal-Circuital-Migration from The Indian State of Jharkhand
P. Boulland, P. S. : Building the Union Headquarter: A Spatial Study of Union Professionalization in France, 1970s-1980s
D. Kelliher : The Spatial Politics of the Picket Line: Britain c. 1970 – 1998
D. Yüce : Dynamics of Compulsory Labor in Late Ottoman Empire Road Maintenance

B125 - FEM-EMP Women confronting gender, racial and religious segregation in the field of labour and labour activism in (post)colonial contexts
Network: Feminist Labour History  
  Discussants: Y. Béliard, B. Bush, A. Clark, L. Tabili
E. Barattini : “El fruto de su trabajo”: patrocinadas’ _labor and lawsuits in colonial Cuba (1880-1886)
C. Fauroux : French women’s and colonized forced laborers’ work in the war plants in France in 1939-1940
P. Ghosh : Constructing Subaltern Counterpublics through “Women’s Work”: Understanding Naga Women’s unique methods of Resistance
M. Sen : Re)Inventing Feminism within the Discourse of Class-Struggle: Women and Intellectual History in the Trade Union Movement of Late Colonial Bengal; an Alternative Narrative of Decolonisation (1920-1947)

B159 - PRE3 Regulations and organizing strategies against precarity
Network: Precarious Labour Chair: M. F. Arellanes
  Discussant: R. Kösters
W. Koppmann : Yiddish Labor Worlds in Buenos Aires, 1905-1930: Work Relations, Labor Movement, and Trade Union Organization
N. Potamianos : : The creation of "regulated professions" in Greece, 1900-1940
I. Valassopoulos : From Artisans to Activists: Greek Shoemakers’ Political Mobilization and Radicalization (1880s-1921)

Network: Maritime Labour History  
Organizer: J. Ibarz  
J. Cousin : The Impacts of Liberalization on Colonial Seamen (1925-1944)
D. Dominguez Cabrera : Slavery, dock labour and racialisation in Cuba (18th-19th c.)
P. M. Antón : Pilots of Navigation in Barcelona: A database of Names and Voyages of the second half of the XIX Century.
S. Srougo : Port Labor and Wartime Struggles: Jewish Workers of Thessaloniki During the Greek-Italian Campaign (1940-1941)

H317 - ARC1 State regulations and interventions
Network: Arctic and Indigenous Labour Chair: M. Kaihovirta
  Discussant: M. Kaihovirta
A. Blomqvist : Comparing Nationalization and Indigenous Labor in the Sami-Swedish and Hungarian-Romanian Borderlands, 1870–1920
I. Jonsson, S. Neunsinger : ILO Convention 169: A comparison of the implementation and the importance for Indigenous and tribal peoples in the Arctic
S. Neunsinger, I. Jonsson : ILO Convention 169: A comparison of the implementation and the importance for Indigenous and tribal peoples in the Arctic
: Studying Sámi labour history as lived industrialisation against a backdrop of non-structuralist settler colonial theory
J. Overud : The AMU/AMO re-training of northern rural labour: Gender segregation during industrialization and colonization in Sweden and Norway 1961-2023
H. Stenum : Opposing ethnographic race science; public responses. Johan Turi and his 1911 book Muittalius Samid Birra

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