
Showing: Wednesday 12 June 2024 11.00 - 12.30 (single time slot)
Tue 11 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30

Wed 12 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30
    18.30 - 20.30

Thu 13 June
    09.00 - 10.30
    11.00 - 12.30
    14.00 - 15.30
    16.00 - 17.30
    18.00 - 20.00

Fri 14 June
    09.00 - 17.00

All days
Wednesday 12 June 2024 11.00 - 12.30
A114 - JOU round Journals for Labour History, Roundtable
Network: round table Chair: S. Neunsinger
Organizer: S. Neunsinger Discussants: N. T. Andersen, F. Azevedo Souza, A. Blok, K. Karpozilos, D. Kirkby, K. Niergarth

A138 - COE3 ROUND Roundtable: Connecting the dots: Sites and fields of labour coercion
Network: Labour and Coercion Chair: T. Petrik
  Discussants: J. Heinsen, N. Pizzolato, G. Rydén

A144 - MIG3 Between past and future: memory and workers’ perspective
Network: Labour Migration History Chair: C. Bernardi
Organizers: A. Batzeli, C. Bernardi  
A. Batzeli : Erinnerung / ????? / Memory: The Gastarbeiter Agreement between Greece and Germany revisited
A. Ibricevic : Returns of retirement: The Gastarbeiter reflect on working abroad to retire at home
N. Korkmaz : German-Turkish Guest-worker Agreement and the Reasons for Increasing Mobility from Turkey to Germany
M. Maeva : : Bulgarian Medical Staff as Guest Workers during Socialist Period

A156 - EMP3 The Caribbean: Bedrock of Anti-imperialism?
Network: Labour and Empire Chair: L. Costaguta
Organizers: Y. Béliard, L. Costaguta, J. Cousin  
Z. Edwards : The “Ethiopian Tent:” Pan-Africanism, Anti-imperialism, and Multiracialism in the Interwar Labor Movement of Trinidad and Tobago
J. Nevill : Writing Their Wrongs: I.T.A. Wallace-Johnson and the Global Intellectual History of Colonial Radical Utopianism
T. V. Gaalen : Breaking Borders. Solidarity as Radical Strategy in the Interwar Caribbean

B115 - MIN5 Environmental and social effects derived from the Mining and Agriculture relations
Network: Labour in Mining Chair: J. J. Garcia Gomez
Organizers: A. Cohen, J. J. Garcia Gomez, M. P. Perceval Verde  
A. Cohen : Gran minería, pequeño campesinado: transición al capitalismo en un área de la Andalucía “profunda” (fines siglo XIX-siglo XX)
S. Dimitriadis : Land Ownership, Mining and Labour Market Fragmentation in Northern Euboea, 1850-1920
A. Fleta, G. B. A. Cohen : Minería y conflictos por el agua. Miradas cruzadas desde España y Canadá
J. D. Perez-Cebada, P. G. Silva : Mining, Agriculture and Pollution
P. G. Silva, O. Sacramento : Between mining and farming: social and ecological transforma3ons of wolfram extrac3on in a Portuguese agrarian context (1930s-1970s)

B125 - FEM3 Struggles around women’s un/paid work and social reproduction
Network: Feminist Labour History  
  Discussant: L. Papastefanaki
G. Beck, C. Boss : Struggle over paid and unpaid domestic work within the Women’s liberation movement (WLM) in Geneva, Switzerland. Internal debates and strategies between subgroups (1971-1980)
E. Boris : Work Visas for Live-In Maids: Race, Gender, Citizenship, and the Crisis of Social Reproduction, the United States, 1965-1970
C. Boss, G. Beck : Struggle over paid and unpaid domestic work within the Women’s liberation movement (WLM) in Geneva, Switzerland. Internal debates and strategies between subgroups (1971-1980)
S. Karatepe : Breadwinner Family Model, Social Reproduction and the Semi-Proleterinization in the Late Ottoman Empire
O. Opassi : Gender Roles in the Yugoslav Fish Canning Industry: The Case of Delamaris

B159 - FAM3 Labour and Old Age / Labouring Elderly
Network: Labour and Family Economy Chair: M. Papathanassiou
Organizers: M. Papathanassiou, B. Zucca Discussants: C. Borderias, C. Mutos Xicola
J. McFarland : Elderly workers, the household, and the parish in seventeenth-century Venice
M. Papathanassiou : Poverty, labour and family economy in old age: Street-workers in mid-19th century London / Rural servants in the early 20th century Austrian Alps
L. Pelzl : Social Mobility between Middle and Old Age in 17th and 18th-century Germany
C. Uppenberg : Challenging the domestic: Care work, generation change and the gendered social reproduction of a semi-landless class in 19th century Sweden.
B. Zucca : Elderly people at work in preindustrial urban Piedmont: an overview from families and charity institutions

F416 - MIL3 Nations, states and empires: Military labour, gender, race and identity I
Network: Military Labour History Chair: O. Siitonen
H. Droessler : Solomon Islanders “Going G.I. in the Matter of Clothes”: Taking Another Look at the Visual Archive of the Battle of Guadalcanal
P. Johansson, F. S. a. S. Strand : Military Conscription, Settler-Colonialism and Discrimination of the Sami People in 1900s Sweden
J. Lande : ‘To Go See My Relations’: Deserting Black soldiers and the negotiation of military labour, emancipation, and masculinity during the US Civil War
P. Pevetmi Amza : Participation in Military Service in the Premodern African armies: Case study of the royal Bamoun army between 1517 and 1813
S. Strand, P. J. e. F. Sundevall : Military Conscription, Settler-Colonialism and Discrimination of the Sami People in 1900s Sweden
F. Sundevall, P. J. e. S. Strand : Military Conscription, Settler-Colonialism and Discrimination of the Sami People in 1900s Sweden
P. Wawrzeniuk : The Final Destination: The Royal Institution for Disabled Veterans in Ulriksdal, 1821–1849

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